S-Docs for Salesforce Clouds

Salesforce document generation and e-Signature is easy when you integrate a 100% native tool designed to support your unique business needs. 


Sales Cloud

Generate key sales documents in seconds, securely secure e-Signatures, and close deals faster than ever with S-Docs for Salesforce Sales Cloud.

sales cloud illustration4
Mouse to money icon
Sales-focused document generation
Hand signing document icon
Intuitive e-Signature experience
Doc template icon
Customizable document templates to ensure brand consistency
Secure and speedy document automation

Service Cloud

Serve your customers better than ever with S-Docs for Salesforce Service Cloud.
Service cloud illustration
Seamless Salesforce integration with similar UX
Speedy document generation that helps you help your clients
Seamless, intuitive e-Signature tools
Quick, secure document automation powered by conditional logic

Experience Cloud

Increase engagement and streamline operational processes with S-Docs for Salesforce Experience Cloud.
experience cloud illustration
people green icon
Community engagement-focused document generation
Doc template green icon
Customizable document templates to ensure brand consistency
Get signature green icon
Seamless Salesforce integration with similar UX
Thumbs up icon green
Personalized experiences for authenticated and unauthenticated users

Health Cloud

Protect sensitive patient data, stay compliant, and streamline operational processes with S-Docs for Salesforce Health Cloud.
health cloud illustration
Monitor icon
Pre-approved for Salesforce Health Cloud
Hippa icon
HIPAA compliant
Notify icon
Automatically send key documents and reminders
docs icon
Automated document generation powered by Health Cloud data

Government Cloud

Stay secure and streamline your operational success with S-Docs for Salesforce Government Cloud.
government cloud illustration
gavernment icon
S-Docs is pre-approved for Salesforce Government Cloud
compliance icon yellow
FEDRAMP, SOC II, IL2, and IL4 compliant
e-Sign Act and eIDAS for compliant e-Signature
Seamless, secure, speedy document automation

Manufacturing Cloud

Optimize your operations and have more time to focus on growing your business with S-Docs for Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud.
manufacturing cloud illustration
inventory reports icon
Automated inventory reports
QA icon
Compliance documents and quality control reports
Package confirmation icon
Order confirmations, shipping documents, packing slips
Sdocs home icon
Seamless Salesforce integration with similar UX

Financial Services Cloud

With S-Docs for Salesforce Financial Services Cloud, you can stay compliant, ensure data security, and keep your organization running smoothly.
financial services cloud
Check blue icon
FEDRAMP, SOC II, IL2, and IL4 compliant
Document checkmark icon
Document automation that streamlines client onboarding
Sdocs home blue icon
Seamless Salesforce integration with similar UX
Speedy blue icon
Expedited document processing

Consumer Goods Cloud

Protect your bottom line and have more time for business growth with S-Docs for Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud.
consumer goods cloud
Sdocs home yellow icon
Seamless Salesforce integration with similar UX
Document checkmark yellow icon
Document automation that optimizes order fulfillment and supply chain efficiency
Package scan icon
Inventory management documents
Customer money icon
Customer reports that give you valuable insights to grow your business

Education Cloud

Empower students and teachers with S-Docs for Salesforce Education Cloud.
education cloud
Sdocs home icon
Seamless Salesforce integration with similar UX
Customer group green icon
Streamlined admissions and enrollment
Enrollment icon
Personalized academic records
Money picg icon
Optimized financial aid processing

Nonprofit Cloud

Get more back time for the cause you’re passionate about with S-Docs for Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud.
nonprofit cloud
Money doc iconblue
Streamlined funding management
Sdocs home blue icon
Seamless Salesforce integration with similar UX
donor icon greenblue
Detailed donor insights
Volunteer iconblue
Easy volunteer management

Revenue Cloud

Drive business growth and boost your ROI with S-Docs for Salesforce Revenue Cloud.
revenue cloud illustration
Document checkmark yellow icon
Seamless, secure, speedy document automation
Doc cloud icon yellow
Batch processing
invoice icon
Client-ready quotes, proposals, invoices, and more — in seconds
Sdocs home yellow icon
Seamless Salesforce integration with similar UX

Transform your customer experiences with S-Docs.

Contact our team today to get started.