
6 Benefits of a Salesforce Document Generator

man showing off keys in his car
Think about the last time you bought a car. Chances are you worked with a salesperson while reviewing the features of the car and negotiating price. However, as soon as you were ready to talk financing, contracts, and sign on the dotted line, you were ushered into the Finance Office.
Now, imagine for a moment that your salesperson didn't have a finance team. Imagine they had to alter contracts to match approved financing terms, special options you negotiated, and the like. The process would not be efficient. They’d have less time to spend on the dealership floor selling. Put simply, they would not be doing the job they were hired to do.
The same is true for sales teams in a wide range of businesses. In many cases, they do not have the luxury of the car dealership finance team, which is why so many depend on a document generator for Salesforce to streamline their sales process.


Don’t Worry, This is Not A Sales Pitch

We know what you’re thinking, “Oh boy — here comes the sales pitch.” Nope. Sure, the answer is a Salesforce document generator, but what app you choose is completely up to you. This article is not about us, it’s about a useful service. Really.
A quick scan of Google shows that most articles on this subject are written by companies similar to S-Docs. Unfortunately, a lot of them are thinly veiled sales pitches. We wanted to do the opposite. So for this article, we're showcasing the value of a document generator in general -- not just S-Docs. We asked the sales team to explain the benefits. After all, they're the ones in the field every day talking to users of different document generation solutions.
The following is what we learned.

Salesforce document generator benefits that will help your business

  1. Lets sales teams focus on what matters: Allow salespeople to focus on sales as opposed to creating documents.
  2. Compliance: Every company has business rules. The more control you have over documents created in Salesforce, the better chance you can enforce those rules.
  3. Consistency in branding: We all know the marketing team cares a lot about layout, grammar, the proper logo use. When using a document generator, there’s less risk of straying from those standards by using approved templates all documents.
  4. Faster close times: The less time a sales rep spends on the document, the more time they spend selling — which also means that when document approval, signing and editing process is easier for customers, close times are reduced.
  5. Reducing mistakes: Since sales reps are not doing things manually or cutting and pasting from one document to another, they make fewer mistakes — and customers love that.
  6. Reporting: Document generator data is aggregated, creating insights across the system. Admins/sales managers are a click away from seeing the entire book of business without delay.

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The Ultimate Benefit Is Happy Employees

Feature Functionality — the be all end all benefits. Yes, all of the above are great for the company — but the happy, thankful nature of your Salesforce Admins and daily users may top the list.
Just like the car salesperson is thankful to pass their customers off to the finance team to get their buyer through contracts, your team will thank you for the time you’re giving them to do other things — like selling.

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