
Document Creation and the Salesforce Admin Hero

man wearing a cape while working
There are many skills necessary to be a great Salesforce Administrator. Perhaps one of the most important is your approach to problem solving – listen first, understand and then provide a realistic solution. If a Salesforce users says they need a document creation solution, do they simply install one? No. A great Salesforce Admin cannot and should not deliver everything users ask for immediately.


Henry Ford famously quipped, “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” As a great Salesforce Admin, you pick up on clues and themes unnoticed by others. You took notice that people did not ask for a safer horse, nor a more comfortable horse. You heard their ask loud and clear – speed.

Your user feedback and suggestions can be invaluable when interpreted through the knowledge of a hero admin with the power to effect change. Salesforce Admins may not (always) wear capes, but they are often unsung heroes of the sales organization, because they understand and anticipate. Adding a document creation/generation solution for salesforce could help deliver your next cape (should you choose to wear it).

Heroic solutions for document creation and generation

If you’re looking to earn that cape and your company has not enabled a document generation app, look no further. The integration of a native app like S-Docs will not only help solve the pain points for users, it will solve some for you as well.

Salesforce user pain points solved by a document creation/generation app:

  • By auto-creating documents, users are more productive and able to spend more time selling.
  • With one click, the app creates a document, resulting in faster document generation.
  • Document auto-generation results in fewer human errors.
  • Users don’t need to take time painstakingly piecing information together from disparate sources outside of Salesforce to create their doc.
  • They can better ensure things don’t fall through the cracks.

Salesforce Admin pain points solved by a document creation/generation app:

  • By using a document creation app, you can empower your users. They’ll be able to make quick changes and edits to docs. As opposed to coding, users are able to use the interface directly, rather than being required to ask for IT help.
  • In our experience, Ops teams typically have a LONG backlog of requests from various internal groups. They'll make investments in products like document creation/generation apps if they can automate parts of the value chain that are causing the most drag on the system. Since a document creation/generation app will help the Salesforce Admin keep their users focused on far more valuable tasks than document generation, it’s a win all around.

A real solution for document creation and similar problems

Put simply, the Salesforce AppExchange is the key to notching big wins.

Salesforce + third party app = solution

In the case of a document creation/generation app, getting set up can be quick and painless. If you choose a native app like S-Docs, you don’t have to integrate an external system. Install can even be done in 3-4 minutes. Go onto the AppExchange, download and install on a Sandbox to try it before you decide to use it in production. You can download a template from the template library (link) or create your own from scratch. Then add your "generate doc" button to your page and users can merge Salesforce data with your template in one click. Users will click a button, merge selected information and have a quickly compiled document.

We’ve seen users install S-Docs in 15 minutes and train others in 5 minutes.

The result – hero status!

After installing a document creation/generation app, the Salesforce Admin has checked off the “problem solver” job requirement. They have made a change that creates new efficiencies for users. In other words, they’ve reinforced their value and taken one step closer to hero status. And hopefully a real cape.

Ready to sign?

Get started for free today and have better document automation tomorrow.