
Introducing The S-Docs Community

S-Docs community page


Great products are shaped by features, UI/UX, security, and more - but they’re made truly exceptional by the communities surrounding them.

At S-Docs, our incredible community is filled with workflow operations experts that span geographies, industries, and job functions (and generate four million+ documents monthly!). This diverse group has ideas to exchange, questions to ask, and expertise to share.

That’s why we’re launching the S-Docs Community, a hub where all S-Docs users can connect and collaborate. We’re excited to introduce this new way to build, learn, and innovate together.

Who Is The S-Docs Community For?

Here’s a quick rule of thumb: If you know about S-Docs, this community is for you!

Whether you’re exploring document automation/e-signature for the first time,  just created your first template, or already streamline your operations with S-Docs, you’ll find value tapping into this group.

Have questions? Maybe you’re wondering about best practices or not sure how to fully use a product feature. Our community’s here to help!

Have answers? If you’re a seasoned S-Docs pro, we’d love for you to join the discussion and share your expertise. You might even learn something new!

Have feedback or suggestions? Share your innovative ideas to help make S-Docs and S-Sign even better. Our products are constantly improved by users like you!

Design an incredible template? Show it off to the community! Get feedback and find out even more ways to create polished documents with S-Docs.

Need inspiration? Come to the community to network, collaborate, and learn new ways to accelerate business results with S-Docs.

The S-Docs Community is designed to help you maximize the value you get from our document automation & e-signature solutions, while helping us improve your experience at the same time.

S-Docs Community Features

The S-Docs Community is a group on the Salesforce Trailblazer Community. If you’re already a user there, you’ll already know your way around.

If not, here’s a quick rundown of what you’ll have access to when you join the S-Docs Community.

Ask Questions

To start leveraging the community’s collective knowledge, you can click Ask a question at the top of the page. This allows you to write a subject and body, add formatting like code blocks, attach images, and more.

Tip: Links to similar questions will appear as you’re typing so that you can maximize your time.

Search For Answers

Everyone’s unique, but our shared curiosity means the acronym “FAQ” exists for a reason. Save time by finding out if your question has been asked before by using the search filters at the top of the community.

Share Ideas & Feedback

If you have ideas, feedback, or want to show off something great you’ve built with S-Docs, you can switch to Post mode in the question interface to start a discussion.

Contribute to the Discussion!

If you’re an S-Docs expert, there’s no better place to show off your prowess than the S-Docs Community. Help other users by answering questions and voting on other great answers. You never know what additional insight you’ll uncover in conversation.

The S-Docs Community thrives on input from great users like you. We can’t wait to see you there!

How To Get Started

The S-Docs Community is open to all today! Click here to access it now.

If you already have a Trailhead account, all you have to do is click Join in the top right to get started.

If you don’t have a Trailhead account yet, signing up is free and easy. Simply click Sign Up in the top right. Once your account is created, you can come back and join the fun!

Join The S-Docs Community Today!

The S-Docs Community is your go-to resource to ask questions, get advice, and discover new ways to maximize the value of your Salesforce and S-Docs investment.

We can’t wait to collaborate with you. Click below to get started today!

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Get started for free today and have better document automation tomorrow.